More Gerrymandering
According to this video what is Gerrymandering? Gerrymandering is ________.
How many Congressional districts are actually competitive?
How are "minorities" impacted by gerrymandering? Minorities are impacted by __________.
What is special about Illinois District 4? It is special because ___.
Is this clip biased in any way?
Who receives an advantage in gerrymandering? ________________ receive an advantage in gerrymandering.
How have Republicans gained an advantage in recent elections? Republicans have gained an advantage by __________________.
How is geography involved in gerrymandering? Geography is involved in gerrymandering because _____________________.
Why is it important to change the political boundaries every 10 years? It is important to change the boundaries every 10 years because ___________________________.
Write a paragraph response to your observations of gerrymandering. What were the most important factors over time? How has gerrymandering impacted the US? How does the geography of the US reflect how election results happen? Share with one partner and have them provide feedback. Does what you wrote make sense to them?
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