Welcome to Political Geography! Boundaries and Numbers of Countries
What are the "places" they talk about in the video? The "places" are ______________________.
Who has veto power in the United Nations? _________, _______, ________, ________ and ________ have veto power.
How would you define autonomous? Autonomous is ________.
What is the difference between the UN and the Olympics (in regard to recognizing countries)? The difference between them is ____.
What makes a country a country? Why? What make a country a country is _______________ because ___________.
Take notes in your journals. Write down the vocabulary terms with a definition in your own words.
Get out your notebooks and graphic organizers.
Why are borders so important? Borders are important because _________________.
What are the 3 primary steps of making a border? The three primary steps are __________, ________ and ________________.
What conflicts do you see from how borders are made? Conflicts I see are _________________.
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