Vancouver Downtown Eastside

maxresdefault.jpg (1280×720)1-TVI-Quwutsun-Cultural-Centre.jpg.aspx (990×530)vancouver.jpg (650×433)Aerial_Sunset_Vancouver_a59b88be-e776-43cb-8d46-efe3117ac949.jpg (1600×777)

What are three observations you have about the culture of Vancouver based on the video and pictures?  Three observations I have are ________________, ____________ and _____________.

Does Vancouver remind you of any other place?  Where and Why?  Vancouver reminds me of _________ because ________________.

What source do you think the video is?  Is that a biased source?  Why or why not?
image.jpg (620×349)victory-square-music-concert-landing.jpg (720×360)

Background Essay Exploration: What is going on in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.


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